He Dwells!

He Dwells

“He dwells between the cherubim;
Let the earth be moved!” 

Psalm 99:1

It seems I am constantly on the move.

Lord, may I be moved by You each day.  And here’s a simple poem . .


Be Moved


in the place I dwell
between the cherubim

of mercy and truth

loving you
and waiting

to see your
hearts be moved.


Author: Debbie

I'm a believer in Jesus, a wife and mother of 2 beautiful girls, one married and one with special needs, whom I care for at home.

4 thoughts on “He Dwells!”

  1. Hi Debbie,
    I would like to know more about you and your ministry. I am a mentally ill Christian and have suffered much at the hand of the church. I love the Lord and feel very misunderstood and unexcepted. I have been a Christian since age 12 and have struggled with Bipolar since age 15. I am now 55.. I do love the Lord and want desperately to fulfill His plan and purpose for my life. Please write me back, as I feel the church needs a wake-up call in their treatment of the mentally ill… your thoughts?


    1. Hi dear Blue! I am just a guest here at Pastor Bryan’s site. I am so sorry to hear of how you have been misunderstood and hurt , over the years. I think it is all too often happening for those with mental illness of any kind. I am praying for you now, and suggest you email Pastor Bryan for more specific help. He is the founder of Broken Believers and has much experience with just what you described!
      God bless you and keep you!


      1. Hi Debbie, Thank you for your kind words and prayers. I know I have the gift of evangalism, yet everywhere I turn in the “church”, I am told I am too broken to be used, not perfect enough, etc etc, which I know is a lie from the enemy. I have cryed out to the Lord but don’t recieve His guidance, wisdom or open doors. Im not sure how to email Pastor Bryan so if you could let me know I will do that. Thank you and God Bless! Blue


      2. Blue, with your gifts, have you considered blogging .. .reaching out to people that way? It might be one way to minister to those who are hurting and suffering some of the same things that you go through. Love and prayers .. .and here’s Pastor B’s email!


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