He Keeps Your Tears in a Bottle


I have cried many tears in my life. If you have never cried, you can stop reading right now. But if you have shed tears for yourself or for others, or if like me you have shed some without even knowing why or where they came from, take heart. God knows the tears you have shed. Psalm 56:8 says so. Here are several translations of that wonderful verse:

Record my lament;
list my tears on your scroll —
are they not in your record? (NIV)

You have taken account of my wanderings;
Put my tears in Your bottle
Are they not in Your book? (NASB)

You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book. (NLT)

Write down my poem of sadness.
List my tears on your scroll.
Aren’t you making a record of them? (NIRV)

I love the image of God keeping all my tears in a bottle. I can envision shelves filled with bottles in Heaven, each with a name on it, and an accompanying scroll documenting every tear and lament. Or maybe it is just one huge bottle with all of our tears mingled together.

Today tears are being shed in dark rooms where children are being held as sex slaves, in Africa as people remain homeless and without food and water, in the United States as many remain jobless, in hospitals and on the streets where the mentally ill are forgotten, in homes around the world where people are spiritually lost and have no hope.

We live in a fallen world. Tragedies happen and humans are not always kind to one another. And so tears are shed. It is hard to fathom God collecting every single one, but He does. He notices and He records each tear and each lament.

The more I think about it, I like the idea that God has mingled all our tears together. The Psalm does refer to God’s “bottle” in the singular. And if He has collected every tear in that bottle, then mingled with our own are the tears of Jesus. In John 11, the apostle records this event: “Jesus wept.” John 11:35.

In this passage, Jesus weeps when He learns of the death of Lazarus. When they see Him weeping, the people say “See how he loved him!” John 11:36. But I don’t think Jesus was weeping because Lazarus was dead – He knew He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead. Rather, I think He wept because of the compassion He felt for humanity as we weep over our own tragedies and losses. It is us that He loved so much that it brought Him to tears.

So if you weep today, remember that God is collecting your tears in His bottle, and mixing them with the tears of our dear Savior. Not only that, but God will deliver you from the final trial that lead to tears by redeeming your soul.

For you, O LORD, have delivered
my soul from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling,
that I may walk before the LORD
in the land of the living.
Psalm 116:8-9 (NIV).


27 thoughts on “He Keeps Your Tears in a Bottle”

  1. Today I was led to this page in looking up a scripture. There are no accidents in God’s kingdom. My heart goes out to all that have posted. Many of you have been through horrible experiences and the enemy has left his wounding on your soul. I’ve been there. I thank God for the ministry of inner healing and breaking of generational curses. If you have not already encountered the ministry of Praying Medic/Dave Hayes, you can find him on Rumble or YouTube. As you follow along he leads you in prayer for different types of healing. Sometimes you need to do it more than once. I learned something new. When a negative emotion comes up quickly ask the Lord to give you the opposite of that emotion. For those who have a genetic situation, you may have to take meds to balance you out until the healing manifests. Remember, you are loved dearly by God. Let Jesus hold you tight in those moments of despair. You are loved!


  2. Hi! My name is Tina!
    Its been a long while that I wrote on this post!
    We are now in February 2021!
    Time flies but the mental illness that I still struggle with , does not fly away!
    Its a struggle each and every day. Even the unbearing struggle with GUILT AND SHAME that is glued to me since I was young, I just can’t have victory over this.My OCD ( intrusive thoughts) could be so but so strong that I loose control in the way I think. I have more problems with my other mental illnesses, but apart from that, for a while now, I have big big stomach pains. When it becomes to painful, I present myself at the hospital. They give me some Diaudid ( the only thing that works) to take the pain away.
    I live in a small town 6_7 thousand people and mostly everyone knows each other.It is a small hospital here, so as for me,after 20 years of cutting myself, taking a lot of pills,going to the hospital because of strong suicidal thoughts….well the shame and guilt is very strong.
    I passed around 6 months not cutting myself,but in January I fell back into it once again!
    To top this all with my big stomach pains, which I went to the hospital 6 times in the last 21/2 weeks,I am so embarrassed.
    I can feel that some nurses …. just don’t believe me.This nurse that its the first time I saw her,seems to know me well.??? She kept on telling me, “All your blood tests are ok! And she went on and on as if my pain was not true.I tried to explain to her that my pain is true. That it is not in my head. Telling her also that I have to pass some tests…which the doctor’s don’t make me pass tests. That I must go to see my Doctor! I did but it is long to pass theses tests! With all the times I have been going to the hospital because of the pain,why don’t they send me to a bigger hospital not far from this smaller hospital to pass some exams.
    They think that its my anxiety that is the cause.I told them.,yes! It could be that because yes I am a very anxious person but if they would at least pass some tests, it would be a great step forward!
    I really feel that even in the emergency there is still, a strong stigma related to mental illness. I could feel it!
    Just an example of last year, I was having great pain in my chest. I thought it was a heart attack. ( After all it was a big spasme in the tube that goes to the stomach) The doctor that was there that day was a doctor from another city. She didn’t know me but listen well to what she told me ” I will take care of you and not go by what is written in your documents (file)
    That shows to me alot, very much so!
    So what is written in my documents ( files)???
    I wrote alot and I am sorry, but is there someone that understands me??
    This STIGMA which I am going through since a while, makes me feel so embarrassed, shy,misunderstood,judged about me. I don’t know if I am right but I think that this is discrimination!
    Thank you for your patience to read my story.
    God bless!
    Tina Morneau


  3. Thank you very much Ria for all your encouragements. Thank you for praying for me. It is very sweet of you 🌹
    I suffer very badly of Boarderline Personnality, OCD, anxiety, automutulaion,etc….There are good days, but like today, its A bad day. I am so hypersensative, that just A word from anybody can make me go down the pit so badly, even with suicidal thougths. Its stronger than me, falling so fast, so down, but I will get back up. My Life is A real rollercoaster . I can’ t wait the day that the Lord will heal me, but its not my time but His
    Thank you again and God Bless
    Tina 🌻


    1. Thanks for sharing Tina. My diagnosis is different, but I’ve suffered too, But God is so faithful. He has been with me even, even in the psych ward. Or in a corner weeping. I’ve been helped by crying out to God, literally .God will never l leave me. No one can grab me from His hand because I am His. So many promises and all of them true. You do have a church? Find one that preaches from the bible. Take notes and check them out later. Maybe talk to him.later. In the meantime reach out to someone for help. Work with your doctor and take you meds. You’re in my prayers Tina.


  4. Yes Ria Amor, It is me Tina the Anonymous . I don’t know why it wrote that. because I already wrote In the past by giving my name.
    God Bless 🌻


  5. I am very sad today! My only daughter; age 33, has rejected me! I raised her as a single parent and tried to keep her safe from a father who had some very unhealthy thinking. Now her father is involved in child pornography and asks why it needed to be reported. I know why, she does not. I tried to keep her safe; what parents are to do! It has all blown up and she thinks I am this very mean person towards her father! I feel God has said, ‘she is mine now, let me take care of her!’ I still want to hold on and protect her!
    I lived in an abusive home; my father the abuser; I was hurt and rejected by him. The situation and feelings have come back! Guess I need another layer pulled away to be set free!! But it ALL hurts so much still!!! STILL!


    1. Dear KM,
      I have alot of compassion for you and It hurt my heart ,the last sentence you wrote, so imagine or Lord, how He suffers and has compassion for YOU ❤️
      My father had two sides of him. He took alot of care of 3 adopted children even thow He was A very heavy drinker and my mom too!

      As for me, I was the only girl and when I was In my teens, and that my adopted mother left the family, my father turned to me In a very abusive way, Mentally and also he did abuse me sexually!There was very much of his part being A Controler. I passed my time always being scared to be punished. I don’t know how many little letters I wrote always saying ” Forgive me Daddy”
      Even if I was 17 , 18 , 19 , years old. I was extremely naive.
      I found out by A childhood friend, that even when I was a child, my father was always calling me. As for me, I mostly remember my teen years that , although, I did have good times with my father , HE PUT SO MUCH GUILT ON ME, IT WAS HORRIBLE!! BUT I didn’t see all of this till the time I met my boyfriend that opened abit more my eyes . I left home and got married after 6 monthes. I am still married since 32 years now and my husband and I went through alot.
      Even if my father was A Christain, he never liked my husband and the last words that I remember of what my father said to me about my husband, after 20 years ago, still hurts me like an arrow that goes right through your heart☹️
      When my father sexually abused me , In that same year, I started to hear horrific voices In my head.
      Sorry for writing so long…… Today, I am now 52, and ALL MY LIFE I passed my time, repeating and repeating to the Lord when I sinned´ Forgive me Lord, Forgive me Lord’
      All day long and you know what, I am still trapped In theses CHAINS AND PRISON OF GUILT.
      It makes 15 years that I became very sick mentally. In and out of the Psy, ( Hospitals) medication that made me take over 40-50 pounds ( not funny at all), electrochocs , anxiety ( bad) , depression, etc … and cutting, very badly!
      Many things and its not because I didn’t pray to get out of this horrible PRISON.
      But I must trust the Lord!
      He really kept me, throughout all of theses 15 years and still again and I Thank Him !
      I hope things are going to go better for you.
      May the Lord be with you and give you the wisdom and strenght you need.
      Take care KM 🌹
      Bye Tina 🌻


      1. Dear Tina, I had some ill feelings towards my father too but when I read your message above I cannot compare myself to how you’d been through with your father..You’d been through much more and what caught my attention is your statement “I am still trapped In theses CHAINS AND PRISON OF GUILT.” which I strongly believe you should not be as you’re the victim here. Guilt is one of the weapons used by the enemy but let it be known to you that satan is a liar..let’s stop believing his lies as I had been in prison of guilt for so long too but let us know the truth which sets us free..the truth is all our sins-including all our Guilt and Shame had already been carried by Jesus and been included when He was nailed on the cross of Calvary..Therefore, no need for us to feel guilty anymore. All we have to do is confess our sins to God, ask His forgiveness and by faith, receive His forgiveness as His word says”If we confess our sins, He faithful and just to forgive us and to CLEANSE us from ALL our unrighteousness(including our guilt). and God’s word says, “To whom the Son sets free-is FREE indeed!” Let’s believe on His word for God is faithful and true to His word-when He says it..He really mean it..So, let’s stop believing on satan’s lies..Let’s go for what God says..”We are the apple of His eye” and He is our perfect, loving father..If our earthly father failed us as we are in this fallen world..our Heavenly Father will never fail us, in fact..He’s waiting for us whenever we go astray just like what been figured out in the story of a prodigal son and as the psalmist says, “When my mother and father forsake me then the Lord will take me up!” Thank God for His unfailing love….


      2. sorry i’m confused, may i know if Anonymous or Tina is the same? in my message it’s a reply for Anonymous’message above..


  6. Thank you for sharing this. My life hasn’t been easy and I’ve shed many tears as well. It’s comforting knowing that God sees each tear and catches every drop.


  7. I feel so broken and in very much needed prayer… I’ve endured a lot in life as anyone my age (55). I love the ideal my tears are stored in a bottle. I feel My bottle is full and would be enough for me to bathe in. If only I could use those tears for renewing my spirit. I’m trying so hard to hold on to my marriage but I find myself just holding on and not doing anything to help it . My biggest challenge is my husband is Bipolar and refusing to treat or acknowledge he has this, We have been married for 32 yrs. My self worth is very much broken. Please anyone reading this please pray for us.


      1. Thank you so much for listening to me and uplifting me in prayer. I do know the Lord hears prayers even though sometimes we feel that they are unheard. Thank you , will always remember you saying ” Praying for you my sister! Hang in there” believe me that is very special for someone to pray for you and they don’t even know you. Thank you again


      2. Praying for you..see yourself the way God sees you..you’re worth His dear Son’s blood that was shed on the cross of Calvary as He did it for you and me..you are not alone..Jesus is always with us when we have faith in Him..Let’s just remind ourselves of God’s word which says, “For I reckon that the suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us”.


    1. I’m asking this for a reason, in response to your dilemma. Have you ever walked in the rain with an umbrella and raincoat on to keep you dry in the wet weather? That’s what God does for us in painful settings. He can remove the pain and keep us in peace. Whenever you get time alone, please do yourself a favor and begin asking God to take your pain and anxiety away. HE CAN. Also ask Him to erase all of your emotional scars and heal your heart, mind and soul. HE WILL. Then, ask Him for direction. He cares for us and our well-being more than we know. God heals the broken in heart. He can give you an out for a while, if you need time to yourself for a few months or longer. God bless you.


    2. I’m asking this for a reason, in response to your dilemma. Have you ever walked in the rain with an umbrella and raincoat on to keep you dry in the wet weather? That’s what God does for us in painful settings. He can remove the pain and keep us in peace. Whenever you get time alone, please do yourself a favor and begin asking God to take your pain and anxiety away. HE CAN. Also ask Him to erase all of your emotional scars and heal your heart, mind and soul. HE WILL. Then, ask Him for direction. He cares for us and our well-being more than we know. God heals the broken in heart. He can give you an out for a while, if you need time to yourself for a few months or longer. God bless you.



  8. I have destroyed many pages of a few second-hand books of Edith Harms Calkin because they were so meaningful to me that I needed to recycle them to friends. I was searching for her writings and more about her when I got linked to your ” Brokenbelievers”. I have a bipolar daughter I shed tears for as I awoke today. She has retreated from society for 2 years and is trying again. She phoned last evening and my prayers were very lengthy for her last evening and again this morning. My heart feels heavy. She is seeking Jesus but-??????????????? My God is strong for me, but can her God help her after so many,many years? I released her to my God last night, now I will try my best to let her go each day—–one day at a time. She has said several times that she would never be suicidal because she is too chichen. I hope so.


  9. Hello Faded Flower, its Tina
    Oh! How touched am I to have you responding to my reply!
    Believe me,your not alone and I see that I am not alone struggling so hard!
    Theses days are more than struggles but I must stop listening to what it says in my mind,but believe that YES,GOD is faithful to forgive as soon as it is said!
    Keep hope and I must too!
    “Lord to whom shall we go to? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:68)
    God Bless you dearly!


  10. Tina
    July 19 2015
    Mental sickness,depression,hurts terribly! Being a Christain this is hard to say!
    No words to be found in such despere and emptyness and feeling so alone and lost. Boy! How awful this could be,living but not living,breathing,but not breathing! Feeling so dead inside!
    Sometimes showing all is fine with this pretty mask on my face but at the same time,fighting so hard to get threwit to win this battle that crippkes my life for so long now.This is not only my battle and suffering but also my dear husband,child etc…Wanting so badly to be this little light in this world,that I would so deeply wish to shine! This little song I use to sing when I was 8 years old,at school.
    “LORD,I want once and for all for this little light to shine.Theses sweet little words become true,real and that it becomes reality in my life.

    Seeing the picture and verse up above felt sweet to my heart! Thank You!


  11. I came across your post when I was googling Tears in a bottle and was captivated by the drawing. Can you tell me where you got it? I would like to use it or find out where to get permission. Thanks so much


  12. This is great to read. A great site. No one understands my weeping. They think I’m crazy, but the truth is I am not. I weep over my sins (shame) and those that are lost. I weep over things I have and have not done & have no control over and cannot undo. I weep over loneliness and grief that I have caused. Each day is a reminder of my sins. I am not in physical but spiritual pain (invisible to others). Often hopeless and angry and unable to go back and relive my life. What a waste. Somewhere, over the rainbow, I hope skies are blue. Because now there is darkness where light/hope used to reside. Of course I struggle with suicidal thoughts, why not get it over with? Why am I still here? Old good for nothing that no one gives two cents about or calls. No one cares. Life sucks.


    1. Oh dear Flower, Someone does care. I’m sorry for taking so long to respond to your comment but I didn’t see it wen you originally posted it. I understand your intense weeping, as does our Lord Jesus. But once you have wept for and confessed your past sins, He does not want you to wallow in them. Jesus paid for your sins so that you can be forgiven and free of guilt and shame. Cry out to Him and He will answer. May you find His great Light in your darkness. Peace, Linda


    2. Hello Faded Flower
      I just wrote above you.My name is Tina.
      How much I understand you because I live the same things.Guilt that paralizes us… I feel your pain and much more our Lord and Savior Jesus-Christ!
      Please ,as for me ,I want to incourage you ,Don’t give up! Never give up!
      Once I heard when someone was preaching that struck me “Keep your eyes off you because you ´ll become nuts ,but on Jesus”!
      Its true! When we just look at all our mistakes we go backwords.It stops us to go forward!
      I know it is so easy to say,but this is what I ´ll be trying to do and I hope you too will try to look up instead of looking to much to much of your sins and mistakes, and believe that when we ask the Lord forgiveness,He is there ready to forgive us the first time we ask him to.
      May the Lord grant you His peace and rest in Jesus name.
      All the best and God Bless!


    3. Thank you for your candid comments. I thought I was the only one who felt like this. I know God is real and He loves me. But like you, I cry over my past and everything else. Life is good, as long as we keep living we can make a difference and make things right.


  13. Of all that i read on this site brought me so much relief@comfort ..i as many have millions of tears..but this time i finally felt a huge burden taken lifted..i love this website..im so thankful the lord lead me to this. Thank you for sharing with ppl that don’t have anyone that they can trust or to witness to them!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Yes. Yes.. this is a verse that really catches my tears and comforts me knowing that He knows each and every one of our hurts, fears, dreams and needs. Sometimes we may even be crying for those who are unable to cry. We do not have a high priest who is unfamiliar with suffering.
    What a great God he is!!!


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