Trapped in a Mental Illness


“I am counted among those who go down to the pit;
    I am like one without strength.”

Psalm 88:4

In May 2011, this is what I wrote–

“I feel like I am going through a meat grinder. Pushed against my will (and desire) I’m finding myself in a place I’d rather not be. My therapist confirmed today that I’m in a “mixed state” where bipolar mania and depression come together.  I suppose you might compare it to two massive ocean currents smashing into each other. In the midst of all this strange crap, I know that Jesus helps those who can no longer hold on by gritty determination.


Severe depression, yes. But there is also the grandiosity that comes with being bipolar. I believe that I think clearer, better, and faster than other people. It’s like I have superpowers.  I will think of myself as extremely gifted, superior to others.  I paint and write poetry and do “noble” things. (I’m working on jumping over buildings.)

But I also have tremendous anxiety, with racing thoughts, and even heart palpitations esp. when I am sitting trying to relax. I don’t sleep well at all, in spite of the sleeping pill, the Seroquil and the melatonin, and the Benadryl, (to make sure I do sleep.)

The endless cycle of feeling really good and then really bad is challenging. 

It’s difficult to have a regular walk of discipleship under these circumstances.  I think being starkly honest and broken over my own fallenness is the key for me. But it still is a challenge. (Now if I can only remember this.)

I continue to take my meds like a good boy. But they don’t seem to work like they used to. I think they can’t handle this particular concoction of depression/mania.  Sometimes, I feel like I’m getting better, but I never seem to get well!

I know that I’m being blunt here. (Tact has never been an easy thing for me!) As I remember my struggle, and how I couldn’t see a way out. I’m thankful for the Holy Spirit who led me when no one else could. I stand because He makes me stand. It seems my illness pulls me to Jesus; I’m actually grateful for it.

I wrote this post some time ago and decided that it needed to repost.

I’ve been reasonably stable for sometime now, I’ve been in a better frame of mind for the last several months. I covet my time alone with God. He heals me. I’ve been captured by Jesus’ love; I know He shelters me with His love. I can live with that.

You must trust Him, and soak up His promises.

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.”

Romans 5:6

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Author: Pastor Bryan Lowe

Studying God's Word is my joy. I want you to understand that there is nothing greater than a life given to Him. I'm an ordained pastor who lives in Alaska.

3 thoughts on “Trapped in a Mental Illness”

  1. Dear Bryan
    I am writing whilst in bed in a mental health clinic: as you say hospital is never nice but sometimes it is the wisest thing to put yourself in professional 24/7 care.
    You are so awesomely honest and inspiring in your determonation to be authentic. I will pray for you brother in Christ that u will come thru this crisis very quickly and be restored to a sound mind and know quietness and confidence as your strength.
    Your sister, Cheryl


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