I’m a Riddle to Myself

I’m told that courage is to do something that frightens you. That it is being strong in the face of pain and suffering. If that’s true (and I suspect that it is) then I haven’t arrived yet. I’m a spiritual “chicken.”

It seems at times I’ve been ‘gifted’ with cowardice! 😁

I also struggle with chronic depression, and am physically handicapped. I have lost the use of my right arm and hand. I no longer have any balance and must use a cane. This is due to a brain tumor I had in 2002. I’ve had over a dozen head injuries which only has compounded the ataxia.

I admit I sometimes get angry with God. I also get spiritually confused as I try to walk like Jesus wants me too. My frustration with Him is all foolishness when I think of all He has given me. I pretend.

I’m also afflicted with a terrible disease called “Facebookitist.”

I find that this blog I write sometimes covers up a multitude of my own sins. You see and read what I want you to see. I polish up things to preserve a modicum of spiritual decency. I want you to see me as faithful and triumphant. A real disciple, (but that’s often a bit of a stretch).

Brennan Manning

I once was confronted by a younger believer, “I don’t know you, brother, you’re two different people.” And honestly I’m sure he was right. I am.

And what is the truth often scares me. I’m typically a coward who tries to speak the things that are real and true. I occasionally realize when I write something that’s spiritually false, and that scares me. God have mercy.

I think all I want is God’s stamp of approval. And yours as well.

I realize that I end up wanting truth which is no small thing. Many lies must be stripped away and that seems to take time. It’s like scraping away layers of varnish on a table you’re working on. I’m pretty much coated with sin. I desperately need the truth to survive.

     C.S. Lewis

Jesus comes not for the super-spiritual but for the wobbly and the weak-kneed who know they don’t have it all together, and who are not too proud to accept the handout of amazing grace.”

Brennan Manning